Payment Methods

With us, acquiring real or fake documents is much easier. When you buy real documents from us, we give you 100% assurance of its authenticity but in the case of fake documents, you’re responsible for how you use them. Using fake documents is illegal, therefore, we advise our clients to order only for real documents if they want to use them legally. Fake documents look like the original one but their data is not registered in the govt. database, so these documents do not pass any kind of scan checks. But if you take real documents from us, you can use them anywhere. Real documents will pass all security and data checks.

We use Western Union to receive payments from our clients because Western Union is highly secure and safe and has been the oldest and reliable financial services in the world. Moreover, it has a wide network of more than 200 countries. The best thing is that it doesn’t require debit card, credit card, or bank account, just by showing your valid ID, you can send money to anyone.


MoneyGram is another very convenient and reliable money transfer service. Its long track record confirms about its security and safety. One can send or receive payments from 200 countries across the globe. The payment can be received either in cash or in bank account or the mobile wallet. If anyone needs urgent transfer then they should use MoneyGram, most of their transactions settle instantly.


Walmart allows you to send money all over the world. With their quick and easy money transfer methods, anyone can make money transfer within minutes. Walmart simplifies your money transfer needs by giving you multiple options – Walmart mobile app, online from a desktop computer, or in an agent location.

Ria Money Transfer

Ria is another one of the largest money transfer providers in the world you can trust on. With their strong and large network you can easily initiate transfer either through their agent, company-owned stores or online. Their money transfer is too fast that if it is made by cash or card, the transfer is done the same day.Ria is another one of the largest money transfer providers in the world you can trust on. With their strong and large network you can easily initiate transfer either through their agent, company-owned stores or online. Their money transfer is too fast that if it is made by cash or card, the transfer is done the same day.


Bitcoin is cryptocurrency which uses digital currency to make transactions. You can easily transfer money via Bitcoin anywhere in the world. It provides you high level of security as there is no intermediary. The transaction are confirmed and verified via network nodes using cryptography then recorded in blockchain (a public distributed ledger).